Thursday, November 10, 2011

Reformation 2011

"Unless I am convinced of error by the testimony of Scripture or by clear reason...I cannot and will not recant anything, for it is neither safe nor honest to act against ones's conscience.  God help me.  Amen. 
(Luther at the Diet of Worms, 1521)

With these words, Luther rested his faith on God's Word and on His word alone.  He had already suffered much persecution and he knew that these words would bring upon him more persecution and hateful reactions from those who opposed his preaching.  And yet, he remained firm in his preaching of the truth.

His enemies used lies, defamation, false testimony and the civil authorities to try to stop his preaching.  In all this, God continually watched over Luther, blessing him with protection and strength to preach and publish a prolific number of books and pamphlets proclaiming the truth.

We continue to preach the Word, even when we encounter opposition.  

With the same confidence we too proclaim Christ today; we pay no attention to the clamors of the godless and all our adversaries, who complain that our doctrine is seditious and blasphemous because it disturbs the state of public affairs, overturns religion, sows heresies, and in short, is the cause of all evils.  When Christ and His apostles preached, the same clamor was raised by the godless Jews... 

But because we believe, we will speak as long as there is any breath in us, and we will bear the persecutions of the adversaries until Christ, our High Priest and King, comes from heaven.  This, we hope, will be soon.  As a just Judge He will punish those who do not obey His Gospel.  (What Luther Says, #3815)

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