Have you ever been told that you "have your head in the clouds"? Most people know that Denver, CO is known as the "Mile High" city. Well, here in La Paz we are over 2 miles high (11,975 ft.). So I guess, technically, you could say that we "have our head in the clouds"!
One of the drawbacks of living at such a high altitude, is that any time you are coming from a lower altitude up to the city, you are likely to suffer from altitude sickness. This usually affects people with the following symptoms: throbbing headache, nausea, dizziness, sleep disturbance, fatigue.
What should you do? The first recommendation is to rest. Since the air is so thin at this high an altitude, your body needs to produce more red blood cells to be able to absorb more oxygen. When you sleep your body produces more red blood cells. (Sleep is usually not a problem since you are not feeling so well, anyway.) Another recommendation is to avoid any kind of physical effort such as lifting, going up and down steps, etc., and eat light meals.
Is there any way to relieve these symptoms? The local residents recommend drinking coca tea made from unprocessed coca leaves. This tea is readily available at stores or at the open market, or you can buy some raw leaves and brew your own. There are also "soroche" pills to help you sleep through the night.
If you follow the recommendations and rest, avoid strenuous activity and drink your tea, you should start feeling better in 2-3 days and then you can start enjoying La Paz, the city where we touch the sky!