Sunday, September 18, 2011


Baptism now saves you (1 Pet. 3:21).  We rejoiced in this promise last Sunday as Pastor Julio baptized a one month old infant.  Trusting in His promises we believe that this child is now a child of God, forgiven and with faith in the Savior.

What makes this baptism even more joyful is that two years earlier the family had been in an automobile accident.  The wife was wearing her seatbelt, but the impact of the crash was so severe that the seat belt cut through her skin and into her intestines.  She was in intensive care and went through several operations to repair the damage.  After she was out of danger, the doctors told her it was highly unlikely she would be able to carry any more children to term.

And yet, here we are today, rejoicing in the baptism of their newborn child.  The Lord not only gave them a child (in spite of the doctor's prediction) He made that child His own through the sacrament of Baptism.

Praise the Lord. 
 Praise the Lord from the Heavens,
Praise him in the heights above.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Last Sunday was "Pedestrian Day" in La Paz.  All vehicles (except for ambulances) were prohibited on the streets of the city from 12 midnight until 6PM.  We got up early to walk to church.

This is how the streets look on a normal Sunday morning.

This is what we saw on "Pedestrian Day".

It took less than an hour to walk the whole way.  We were able to worship with other "walking" Lutherans and then enjoyed fellowship with some of the members for the afternoon.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


One of the important ways to strengthen our faith is to maintain contact with the Word by studying the teachings and doctrines so we can discern false doctrines.  To this end, doctrinal classes were offered to the people here. 

Two sessions were held.  The first session was offered to the people who live in La Paz and were able to attend night classes for two weeks.  Invitations were sent to those people who live in outlying areas so they could attend a week of intensive studies.

Many of the people's questions were answered, especially about salvation by grace and about the Bible being the guide for our emotions and heart and not the reverse.

We pray the Lord would bless these classes and produce a stronger faith in the students according to His promise that His Word will not return void.